Madelaine Scott - Madelaines Eggs


Madelaine Scott :

I’m passionate about animal welfare, regenerative farming, sustainable food and being a great mum.

I’m also a foodie; I love eating food that’s alive and nutritionally rich.

My business, Madelaine’s eggs, has 5,000 NASAA certified organic happy-laying hens.

I believe having a great relationship with clients and employees is one of the keys to having a successful farm.


Instagram: Madelaineseggs

Facebook: Madelaine's eggs

YouTube: Hollyburton farm

YFC Chapter : Young Farmers Connect (YFC) - Central Victoria

My favourite job on the farm has definitely got to be raising chicks. Ok, just imagine this, 1000 little fluffy eggs in a warm shed; it’s pretty awesome.

What’s a tool I can’t live without?

Can it be a machine?? Because when I was 19 years old I crowdfunding an egg cleaning machine and it’s the best machine ever!

How would you compare industrial food to what you produce ?

How to start? Well, industrialised eggs are so different from what I do, from the way the chickens are kept, what the chickens are fed and what happens to their poo. There is such a big difference, not to mention the way the eggs taste.

Let’s just say the way I farm is pretty close to nature and you can really taste the difference!

How did you get into farming ?

I got into farming as a homeschool project at eight years old in 2002, my parents bought me 20 chickens and it was my job to feed them and collect their eggs; I loved it so much I saved every cent and kept buying chickens.

What are your farming goals / vision ?

To produce top-quality eggs which contain no nasties is a regenerative farming system. I also employ local community members. Hopefully, I am an example for change in the poultry industry.

-Plus, be the best mum I can be to my girls

Young Farmers Connect