A directory of resources
for small scale farmers and producers
— we will attempt to keep this page as up to date as possible and will be following resources and support allocations as they unfold —
Emergency Assistance
Agricultural and Animal Services Hotline Line | 1800 814 647
Disaster Welfare Assistance Line | 1800 018 444
General Advice
NSW Rural Financial Counselling Service
Northern Region - (02) 6662 5055
Southern Region - (02) 6452 5850
Central Region - 1800 940 404
Southern QLD Rural Financial COUNSELLING SERvice
- 07 4622 5500 (farm business enquiries)
- 1300 732 777 (small business enquiries)
Farm Household Allowance Program: Support for farmers experiencing financial hardship
Agricultural and Animal Services Hotline Line | 1800 814 647
Emergency assistance for land and livestock and reporting natural disaster damage. Call the Hotline to report damage and stock losses and request assistance with emergency fodder and stock water, veterinary assistance, stock destruction and burial, livestock feeding and management advice and assistance for companion animals, pets and wildlife.
This includes all primary producers including but not limited to assistance for beekeepers, horticulture, aquaculture, oyster growers & forestry. Also includes all animals including pets, wildlife and fisheries.
Disaster Welfare Assistance Line | 1800 018 444
Disaster Relief Grant for individuals
Financial assistance to eligible individuals and families whose homes have been damaged by a natural disaster.
Local Land Services 1300 795 299
LLS is able to help you get back on your feet with technical assistance for primary producers
Rural Resilience Program 0437497555 or email
RRP staff provide information on support available for farmers and their families or workers recovering from natural disasters and can connect them with relevant support services and assistance packages
Rural Assistance Authority 1800 678 593
NSW disaster assistance for primary producers
Check declared natural disasters zones
Apply now
Natural disaster transport subsidy
A full list of current Animal Evacuation Centres is located at https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/emergencies/floods/current- situation .
Animal owners are reminded that care of your animals including adequate food and water supply, any toys and medication, as well as full time supervision remains your responsibility once you arrive at the animal evacuation centres.
Owners are also asked to bring appropriate identification for their animals.
Community Recovery QLD: Emergency Hardship payments – $900 per family 5 or more, $180 per person www.communityrecovery.qld.gov.au or hotline 1800 173 349
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority :
- Flooding FEB - funding to be announced
Disaster Assistance Loans are available to assist primary producers, small businesses and non-profit organisations with re-establishing normal operations. https://www.qrida.qld.gov.au/program/disaster-assistance-loans#-Primary-producer
Pasture Recovery after a coastal flood - Local Land Services Factsheet
Managing waterlozing in crops Northern NSW
The NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and Local Land Services (LLS) are providing assistance to landholders and communities with animal welfare-related issues arising from the current flood emergency in NSW.
This includes the provision of Emergency fodder, Animal assessment and veterinary assistance, Stock euthanasia and disposal, Livestock feeding and management advice, and care of animals in evacuation centres.
If you wish to register for assistance, for emergency fodder or livestock support please call the Agriculture and Animal Services Hotline on 1800 814 647
Do you have services available or please contact us with other offers directly
Connect with your YFC Chapter Coordinator directly
Grants and funding
Farm Household Support 132 316
A payment for farming families facing hardship
Disaster Welfare 1800 018 444
Recovery support for affected communities
Rural Assistance Authority 1800 678 593
NSW disaster assistance for primary producers
Disaster recovery grants
Disaster relief loans
Transport assistance
Declared natural disaster loans
Emergency Funds – Disaster Recovery Payment
Special Disaster Assistance – Floods (from 10th March 2021)
If any primary producers need assistance in completing this form please contact your Rural Financial Counselling Service Office
Other services
Disaster Response Legal Service NSW 1800 801 529
Free legal assistance for NSW residents impacted by bushfires and floods.
Emergency Temporary Accommodation 1800 422 322
Emergency Temporary Accommodation – short term housing support.
Insurance 1800 734 621
Insurance Council of Australia can be contacted with any questions, complaints or concerns about insurance